Every ailment, disease, disorder, and addiction that we have comes from somewhere. They all have “root causes.” Sometimes, there is more than one root cause such as prolonged stress, trauma, and/or a combination of those plus something like a Candida Overgrowth. I mention Candida Overgrowth on this page because it is often one of the root causes for Sugar Addiction. Even if it’s not the only reason, identifying if you have it and eradicating is, can significantly help in the healing process. Not only can ridding yourself of it help with sugar cravings (candida feeds on sugar), but it can aid in the process of repairing a leaky gut, histamine issues / food intolerances, and even clear up brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and more. Realize that Candida itself is natural in our bodies and it is actually a good thing to have it in balance. It only becomes an issue when there is an overgrowth. (See my Complete Health Transformation File for more info on how to support the rest of your body, which, in turn, leads to less addiction, more energy, and the best version of you).


Identifying Candida Overgrowth

There are some simple ways, and more technical ways to figure out if you may have a Candida Overgrowth.

Simple Test #1 – Look at Your Tongue

  • Is your tongue coated in a yellow or white color? This could be an indication of other dysbiosis in your body, but it is often an indication of Candida Overgrowth.

Simple Test #2 – Spit Test

(from the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors)

  • There are a few things that need to be done in advance to rule out it being dehydration or a dairy sensitivity. To establish that it is in fact yeast that is causing the saliva to test positive for candida, it would be useful to eliminate all dairy for 10 days before the test.
  • Make sure you are not dehydrated – a good rule is 1 liter of water for every 50 lbs of body weight – this would be a good measure of water intake all the time and definitely for the 10 days prior to doing the Spit test.
  • Once you have eliminated dairy for 10 days and had adequate amounts of water for those same 10 days, the steps for the Spit test are as follows:
    • 1. First thing in the morning, before you eat, brush your teeth or drink anything, fill a clear glass with room temperature water
    • 2. Work up dime sized saliva, and spit it into the glass of water
    • 3. Leave the saliva for 45 minutes and then check it for one of the following:
        “String-like” formations coming down from the saliva at the top of the water
        Cloudy saliva sitting at the bottom of the cup
        Opaque specks of saliva in the middle of the cup
  • Any of these 3 signs indicate that there is most likely a candida overgrowth

When the candida goes away the spit changes. I have seen this and although there is no scientific research behind this test, when people have done the Spit test in conjunction with something such as an Anti-Candida Antibodies blood test – both tests come back with the same results. If your Spit Test tests positive for candida it would be a good time to visit your healthcare practitioner.


Candida Overgrowth Treatment

First, like any illness or disease, your treatment starts with food. Check this group for the FILE entitled “Sugar Detox Ultimate Guide” and follow the Sugar Detox Meal Plan. Next, while nourishing, you want to hammer out the candida, while supporting your body: I get many of my supplements from THIS WEBSITE because they are high quality (extremely important), not expensive, have an amazing rewards program, fantastic customer service, and they explain everything so that you don’t have to guess. Understanding this can help you know how your specific body detoxes, and the right path to take for your overall health.

There are many different methods to treat Candida Overgrowth. You need to decide which one is right for you while seeking the help of a professional. Typical Candida Overgrowth Treatments last for 3 months. Remember that everyone’s body is different and will need/react to things differently, so do what is best for your body!

Steps 1 , 2, & 3 – Gut Balance, Detox, & Food


  • STEP 2: You want to support your body through die-off, or herxheimer reactions, which means supporting your detox organs, and helping to safely remove any toxins released from dying Candida.
    • This Liver Support Supplement (supports main detox organ – I take this daily!)
    • Molybednum (helps kidneys process waste & safely removes toxins that candida die off bring out)
    • Boost Your Immune System with D+K Drops and C Powder. Your immune system is ultimately what will fight off the overgrowth and imbalances, so it needs to be extra strong!
      • This C features antioxidant- and immune-supportive bioflavonoids. These are all naturally occurring, found in citrus fruits and can help with histamines released during the die-off process. This C is buffered with calcium and magnesium making this product a gentler C option than other powders on the market.


  • STEP 3: Eat the right foods that will fuel your body and not feed the Candida. There are many different Candida “diets,” but remember with any of them, that you should’t drive yourself crazy eliminating everything. You want to keep a balance of foods in your diet and reintroduce them back once the treatment is over, so that you do not lose oral tolerance to them. Here is my favorite “Candida Meal Plan:”
    • Dr. Cabral’s Sensitive Gut Guide
      • The reason I like this one so much is that he includes some fruits and starches like sweet potato that are going to be easily broken down in your system. It’s less restricting and you need to feel GOOD about what you are doing with your body. You are starving the candida, not yourself! Simply eat the foods listed in all 4 categories for the first 21 days, and add back in foods from all 6 categories after that.
    • For some recipe inspiration, see my Healthy FitMom Recipes & Healthy FitMom Pinterest Page. They aren’t specific for candida overgrowth, but tend to contain less sugar and are dairy & gluten free! You can at least use them for inspiration now and in the future.

Step 4 – Treatment Supplements / Options

*Include steps 1 – 3 above with all of these treatment plans to ensure optional results and safety.Feel free to use a combination of these options to best suit your needs. You can even implement all 3 options, using 1 each month! This is the order I would use them in, from the most gentle, to most powerful as your body gets used to it:

  • Option 1: Natural Enzymes
    • Natural Enzymes are used to break down the bio-films that candida builds and eradicate them. Take without food.
    • C Acid Supplement are taken when you eat, to help prevent the candida from eating your food.
  • Option 2: Enzymes & Break Down
    • Complex Treatment this contains both unique enzymes that break down hard walls/biofilms, as well as herbs to kill candida & create an unfavorable environment.
    • OL Extract supports a healthy immune system by bolstering the body’s fungal and microbial defenses; these powerful phenols may also exhibit antioxidant activity, helping to neutralize radical oxygen and nitrogen species (helps with die-off).
  • Option 3: Digestion, Enzymatic, & More Support
    • Digestive & Biofilm Enzymes these enzymes support your digestion as well as further breaking down the candida walls
    • The Last Stand can be used after the biofilms have been dissolving for a while. This is potent, so go slow at a pace that feels right to you!
      • If you need more digestion support & have too much or too little acid, try This Option with some extra ingredients. These ingredients also help create the ideal environment for a balanced system.

Post-Treatment Gut Rebuilding

First, retest yourself and speak to your health professional to see if you have eliminated the overgrowth. If you have, go you! If not, still go you for taking the first steps and for staying strong! There are different severities of overgrowth, and it may take more time to heal.Candida Overgrowth wreaks havoc on our guts. We want to rebuild any damage that may have been done in terms of intestinal permeability or other issues.This is a VERY IMPORTANT step, so do not skip it, or imbalances and overgrowths could easily return. You don’t want all of that hard work to be for nothing.

  • I recommend starting with THIS GI Powder to be taken for at least 3 months. It helps to repair the intestinal lining where Candida Overgrowth may have made holes, as well as balances the stomach, and the rest of the GI tract.
    • A second option is the GI Capsules (which contain less ingredients), but may be necessary if you are extremely sensitive.
  • Continue to use probiotics that work for you, (or fermented foods rich in natural probiotics) as explained in Step 1 above.
  • Continue to support your immune system as described above in Step 2.

————-***Remember that you can always reach out for extra support and guidance!*** I truly hope that this helps you. YOU have the power to heal yourself with knowledge and support.

***********************************************Disclaimer (everyone must read)

All of the information contained within this site (Sugar Addiction Support Group, or Facebook Page, its videos, testimonials, and posts are for informational purposes only. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem or disease – nor are they intended to replace the advice of a physician or qualified healthcare professional. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this page. Always consult your physician or qualified healthcare professional on any matters regarding your health or on any opinions expressed within this page, especially before attempting any of the fitness programs including any preliminary ‘fit test’ for any of the programs.The information provided within this page is believed to be accurate based on the best judgment of the author but the reader is responsible for consulting with their own health professional on any matters raised within. Ryan Jefferson disclaims any liability or loss in connection with the exercises, nutrition, opinions, and advice expressed on this site. I am an Independent Contractor and Coach who chose independently to suggest items from specific Fitness & Health Companies. I am not a fitness trainer, doctor, nutritionist, or healthcare professional. I do not assume any liability for the information contained within this site, be it direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages.Please see your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking any supplements.Always read all information provided by the manufacturers’ product labels before using their products. This page nor the author of its content are responsible for claims made by product manufacturers. Any and all product names referenced within this page are copyrighted and trademarked by their respective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed, or approved the content. The statements made within this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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